Genius Hour Week 2

This week I found many things some where good some where not so good. To start the weekend I went to my cousin Seth’s house. Before I arrived we went to a community swimming pool in Sherwood Park.

I practiced my flips with Seth, but a lifeguard told me to stop doing backflips because my head was close to hitting the board. So from then on I practiced dives and frontflips. When we got to his house, Seth and I made a jump and a rail behind it. What worked really well for building was the soft snow, but the rail had a hard time staying in the snow. So after awhile we decided to leave it to freeze.

The Rail Seth and I Made

The rail in my backyard also suffered from the heat as some of the snow melted away in my yard, I can’t reallyy do anything but wait for more snow, becuase it took so much snow to make it.

This is what happened to my genius hour project this week.

Genius Hour Update

Over the weekend I went hunting so I didn’t have a ton of time for my genius hour project. But with the time I did have I made a ramp with a rail see below.

There is a little jump to get onto the rail and if I want I can take the rail out and just have the jump, I have yet to use it as the snow was too sticky and soft yesterday. I plan to use it today as it is colder and hopefully has hardened a little bit. For help understanding how to do certain tricks and so I’m not completly cluless I can go to youtube and watch some How-to videos.

Genius Hour Planning

In the coming months, I want to get better at skiing , for example control in the air and tricks with a calmer state of mind.

  1. I have been lucky enough to have been skiing for a long time around 10 years
  2. This year I practiced my flips everytime I was in or around water
  3. I am lucky enough to have a seasons pass to Lake Lousie.
  4. I plan to have a ski instuctor spend a day going through with me how be controlled and calm in the air.
  5. I would like to practice at a trampoline park practicing tricks and flips.

Last weekend 4th-5th I went to Lake Lousie and went skiing for the first time this season. I spent the day working on having conrtol going backwards and then 180s (half spins). I worked on going backwards because after the half spin you have to stay backwards for a little bit at least. That was my first step toward progression this week.

Genius Hour With Edward

I am the youngest child of 3, my sister Ivy is the oldest and my brother blake is the middle child. Roght now my cousin from Vernon who is the same age as my brother is linving with us to see the big city and look at universities. My sister is in her 4th year of nuring school and is hoping to get into med school. I live in the community of Ottewell and went to Clara Tyner before junior high.

In these couple of months I would like to progress my skills in skiing mostly in the air. A goal I diffiently would like to complete is to be able and comfortable with doing a blackflip. Another way I want to progress is with spins, and what I mean by that is control with 360’s/180’s and maybe try a 720 (one spin, half a spin and two spins) with more control in the air.